The photographs and texts of this book, result of Martín Weber’s journeys between 1992 and 2013 to different Latin American countries, reflect the history of past decades and the way in which individual lives were affected by political events in each country. The goal of this book is to give measure, through personal stories, to the voices of those people less represented. When he photographed families, groups or individuals, the author asked them to answer the following question: “Can you write a dream or desire you have?”. This way, he rescued specific voices and obtained revealing secrets.
To be a lawyer, La Niña, Argentina
I wish to be a poet, La Habana, Cuba
Forbidden to forbid, La Habana, Cuba
To be a policewoman, Maclovio Rojas, Mexico
To find a way to express what I carry inside, Cusco, Perú
To have a Nintendo. Granada, Nicaragua
To have three children. Santiago de Atitlán, Guatemala
That my children write their stories tainted with pain, anguish and poverty, in order to be somewhat liberated. Medellin, Colombia.